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This project is currently is paused on development

View project here: (Coming Soon) Penfolio

This project has been active for

Active on computer? No
Active on mobile? Yes, but not to the general public

Fun Facts:

This is how it works:
  1. Install Penfolio: Make sure you have Penfolio installed, then launch the app.
  2. Add Journal Entries: Tap the "+" button on the journal tab, fill in the entry details, and save.
  3. Manage Entries: View entries on the 'Journal' screen, tap to see details, and hold down to delete if needed.
  4. View Your Entries: Go to the stats tab to view and switch between weekly and monthly statistics.
  5. Customize Settings: Navigate to the settings tab to toggle dark mode, change the journal name, or start a new journal.
  6. Images:

    Penfolio Settings Penfolio Journal'